One Song
Second Place 2013 Songs for Peace Annual Peace Song Writing Contest

“One Song is a beautifully crafted melody! It works perfectly with the lyrics, making us feel comfort and hope. For a song such as this, the melody couldn't be more well-written. It is simple enough for most anyone to follow it, and yet reaches to places that inspire the hope that you wish to bring out in this song. As it kicks up a notch at the end, we can hear a huge chorus singing it loudly, shaking the rafters, perhaps in a church, or at a rally. We can't say enough about this lyric. It is deceptively simple, but yet reaches around the world! Who (anywhere, or in any walk of life) could disagree with any of these lines? This verse (in particular) has a way of saying something that we've never quite heard put this way before: "Everyone's a brother, Or a sister that you meet. We are all one family, Living on the same street." Yes, with the pace of the world today, we're on the same street, indeed!”
Song Contest Judge - USA